Midwest Wildflowers for the Great Plains

Amorpha fruticosa
False Indigo

Amorpha fruticosa is a yellow, midwest wildflower, blooming from May to June. False Indigo prefers the shade or part sun and is very shrubby growing six to ten feet tall.

Aster puniceus
Purple-stemmed Aster

This midwest wildflower boasts delicate little pink to purple flowers and can grow to varied heights, up to the extreme eight feet. Purple-stemmed Aster is beautiful and bushy, though, providing beautiful backdrop for your garden and perfect foliage for animal habitat. Aster blooms late, so don't fret if you don't see flowers early. This aster is yet another medicinal herb used by Native Americans, so it has a history all its own.

Caltha palustris
Marsh marigold

Marsh Marigold is a beautiful midwest wildflower, also known as Cowslip. It has lustrous, big, heart-shaped foliage. Caltha grows low to the ground, not more than two feet and would make a vibrant foreground for your garden as so many of the other wildflowers can grow so tall and lucky for us all another early bloomer to brighten your spring. Marsh Marigold's does it little justice for its brilliant yellow flowers little reflect the frumpy marigold and Cowslip returns year after year with replanting. But, some caution should be had for this wildflower is medicinal in nature, used to induce vomiting and to ease child birth.

Delphinium virescens
Prairie Larkspur

Delphinium virescens is a small, white wildflower growing throughout central United states from the Dakotas down to southern Texas. Prairie Larkspur blooms from May to July and can be a poisonous plant despite it's medicinal use as a salve.

Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower

Yes, Echinacea purpurea is an herb used often in medicines. Purple Coneflower is distributed through much of the southeast as well as the midwest. Purple Coneflower is a large purple to pink flower with a cone shaped center perfect for butterflies. It grows two to three feet tall and tolerates part shade. Coneflower explodes in July and blooms until September.

Liatris spicata

Gayfeather is also known as Spicate Blazing Star and is found throughout the eastern United States and has become naturalized to the midwest. Gayfeather has brilliant lilac flowers that bloom late in the summer. This beautiful wildflower grows to around 2 feet tall.