Organic Pest Control

Organic pesticides protect your family and the wildlife.

Unless you prefer taking the chance that diazanon will kill all your favorite butterflies, organic pesticides are the healthiest way to fight pests. So what's so wrong with industrial insecticides? Well, firstly they can be costly. With the short lifespans and massive reproductive potential of insects, this means constant re-application. Constant re-application often leads to the emergence of insect types no longer affected by the poison. Also these poisons are not species specific. They kill everything from aphids all the way up the food chain to birds and their predators. Guess who's at the TOP of the food chain. Not only that but insecticides last for a very long time in the environment. Think about DDT that very nearly eliminated one of our greatest national treasures, the bald eagle. Here in Missouri we still, fifty years later, can't eat the fish in the Missouri river because of this chemical and other pollutants.

What is an organic pest control then?

There are several organic pest controls to choose from. I have found insecticidal soap to be very effective, though still not feasible in spraying over large area. This is a simple soap solution that keeps the pests away but doesn't harm the environment. Garden's alive provides products that contain canola oil, another excellent, organic pest control that comes directly from nature, the rape seed.

Thinking Truly Natural

Other insects prey on bad bugs. Ladybugs absolutely LOVE aphids, not to mention all those other bad little plant eaters, that ladybugs snack upon, YUM. Another aphid eater and pest loving insect is the . As a larvae the lacewings can devestate the populations of aphids, white flies, mealy-bugs, spidermites and more. They also love to munch on the eggs of many of these species. is a little wasp that lays its eggs in caterpillar eggs. A lot of people have also discovered the usefullness of nemotodes in the control of root-eating grubs and even larval fleas.

Bats to the rescue

Bats are one of the most voracious consumers of insects. They love mosquitos, moths and many more. Having bats around will help keep the insect populations under control so don't fly off the handle when you see one. Welcome them. They'll leave you alone if you leave them alone and they'll even do a bit work for you.

Everybody Else

There other beneficial animals that when found in your gardens should be left to go their way, such as spiders. Think about it. Spiders prey on other insects as do praying mantis. Frogs and toads also keep the insect population in check. Even turtles enjoy an insect treat from time to time.

animated pest control
Garden's Alive is a great place to find many of these natural solutions.